All Publications

  • supply and installation of analytical equipment for the establishment of organic based fertilizer etc july2011
    File Created: 2012-11-06 09:12:29

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  • supply for installation of teaching and research equip at usman danfodiyo univeristy sokoto july 2011
    File Created: 2012-11-06 09:11:07

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  • supply of computers accessories, tables and chairs at Bukar Ibrahim university damaturu june 2011
    File Created: 2012-11-06 09:09:44

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  • tender for provision of private security service at jos uni teaching hosp july 2011
    File Created: 2012-11-06 09:08:38

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  • File Created: 2012-11-06 09:04:04

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  • File Created: 2012-11-06 09:02:34

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  • File Created: 2012-11-06 09:00:54

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  • File Created: 2012-11-06 08:59:36

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  • inv for EOI for engagment as consultant on the year 2011 capital projects at FCE zaria july 2011
    File Created: 2012-11-06 02:19:52

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  • inv for expression of interest for consultancy serv for 3 projects at uni ibadan aug 2011
    File Created: 2012-11-06 02:18:46

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  • inv for expression of interest and prequalificatn for consultancy in capacity building at usman danfodiyo uni sokoto july 2011
    File Created: 2012-11-06 02:17:15

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  • general procurement notice and inv to tender at FUTO may 2011
    File Created: 2012-11-06 02:15:47

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  • expression of interest by consultants at unical july 2011
    File Created: 2012-11-06 02:14:25

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  • expression of interest at lagos eko secondary education project sept 2011
    File Created: 2012-11-06 02:12:44

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  • execution of some ETF assisted projects at lag state uni sept 2011
    File Created: 2012-11-06 02:11:08

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  • execution of projects at Uniport august 2011
    File Created: 2012-11-06 02:10:12

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  • execution of proejcts at OAU ileife june2011
    File Created: 2012-11-06 02:08:49

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  • execution of projects at lagos state poly june 2011
    File Created: 2012-11-06 02:07:43

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  • execution of projects at kawara SUBEB oct 2011
    File Created: 2012-11-06 02:06:51

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  • execution of projects at fed min of edu july 2011
    File Created: 2012-11-06 02:05:28

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